The Lotto jackpot for the game was held on Wednesday, May 19 has been divided into two after all as many tickets matched all six numbers needed to win. The jackpot was worth £ 2,797,394, so that each of win tickets now a value of £ 1,398,697. It is obviously too early to know who the owners of the award-winning jackpot tickets and perhaps we never will (either way, the winner of the jackpot record EuroMillions last Friday decided to remain anonymous), but if they go public you can be sure that we will give you more details at the earliest opportunity. In the meantime, this is how the last draw Lotto down for players involved…
The results of the lottery, which were selected by the lottery Merlin machine, were 15, 23, 24, 34, 36 and 47, with the number 44 being selected as the Bonus Ball. Seven lucky players matched five main numbers and the balloon Bonus for winning a prize of consolation very impressive £ 122,962. 241 players matched five numbers only and won £ 2,232. Altogether, 272,418 price have been paid, and their combined value totalled more than 7.9 million to £.
With jackpot landed midweek, a new jackpot of about 4.5 million books will be to win this Saturday, May 22. Of course, making this game, we first have the EuroMillions draw on Friday, May 21, when a jackpot of about 12 million books will be available to anyone who can match five numbers main and two Lucky Star enjoy. The players also play EuroMillions UK get a chance to win 1 000 000 £ in the game for every ticket purchased millionaire raffle.
In addition, we must remind all once more that the thunder of new and improved game now has an extra draw every Friday night, so if add you a chance to win a price top £ 500,000 for the mixture as we put an end to the weekdon't forget to throw a thunder when you buy online lottery tickets.
Congratulations to all winners of midweek past, and good luck to all those who elects to give a chance to win this weekend!
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