A head chef of Somerset has won a Lotto jackpot value of £ 1,581,582 on Saturday, January 29, and one of the first things he did was to resign. Neil Baker, who was head chef at Hotel Tudor to Bridgwater, is 36 years old and intends to take advantage of a break in life active while he decides how to better its richness found properly. The results of the lottery gave Neil victory of 1.58 million pounds were 05, 20, 25, 30, 36 and 47, and the Bonus Ball was 15.
It is the mother of Neil who discovered the victory the day after the drawing lot when she had checked his number in his name. "I always buy four regular lines for the draw on Saturday, but on this occasion, I had an extra piece of pound, in my pocket so I decided to put on a Lucky Dip," says Neil. "Tickets have remained the vanity in my car every week and it is that when my mom suggested checking the Sunday, I understood that my Lucky Dip was accompanied by all six numbers."
The decision apparently trivial occasional lightning himself buy an additional ticket for the random selections has changed the life of Neil forever, and as of many Lottery winners, is now celebrating the incredible sense of freedom that allows a balance Bank seven figure.
"I have always been a leader, working in various hotels and restaurants in the region and that I have pleasure in many ways, the work is labour day, and this money has given me the freedom to take a break and enjoy other aspects of my life"Said Neil. "Everyone, including my boss was really happy for me and wished me good luck."
What Neil will do so now that it is free of the restrictions of the everyday world? Well, it seems its feet planted firmly on the ground. "I do not think that this money is going to change me", he said. "I am not planning to move, as our House is more than just bricks and mortar, it is a House with a sentimental value as it has always been our family home." I will not change my car as I am pleased with the that i've got, so for now this money will give me freedom and security. I will certainly stay in the area that my friends and family are all here. »
We wish all the best Neil for the future and for those of you who would like to try and win your own lottery jackpot, click here to purchase your tickets online. There is a jackpot for reversal of 24 million pounds to play the EuroMillions game on Friday, February 18, and the Lotto game will have an approximately 4.4 million jackpot of £ Saturday. Good luck!
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