So what do you have chosen your places still to the Next Geosweep draw? Does we mean only numbers, because there is a new type of lottery game where instead of choose the numbers that you choose a place! The game is called GeoSweep and runs on Google Maps. The whole of Great Britain was divided into small squares called Geos, and you can choose to buy these Geos as your ticket in the prints. Every day, there are 2 prints.
The first is called the GeoSweep and he chooses a random square on the map. If this place is busy, the owner gains 1 000 000 £. Given that the property of each square is mutually exclusive (once it's yours, it's yours) If you win, you never have to share price - as if someone has the same numbers as you. Odds of winning this sweepstakes are quite well too - better "weight by weight" than your chance to hit the Lotto jackpot.
They will then draw the daily fate guaranteed. It is for much less money-£ 1 000 - but only occupied Geos are entered, so you're much more likely to win. Especially in the early days of gaming, where fewer people play but they guarantee always pay.
Cost 10 p per day to have a Geo (and you buy 30 days at a time, so £ 3). This gets you entry into two games void, each day for 30 days.
Everything you need to do is choose where you go buy! Your home? Your footie ground? A bit of Big Ben? Begin to navigate on the map of GeoSweep and see where your fancy to the new UN-lottery.
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